What is IEMT?

IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy) is a therapeutic technique which utilises the movement of the eyes to decrease unwanted feelings and memories as well as help to resolve undesirable behaviour traits.

It can be extremely effective in helping to shift behaviours linked to past trauma and unpleasant experiences.

IEMT can be used as a solution based brief therapy or part of a longer intervention alongside dramatherapy.

IEMT works by moving the eyes along particular axes whilst thinking of the unwanted feeling/memory which seems to reduce the emotional intensity of the feeling or memory, allowing you to have a more objective view as well as mental and emotional clarity.

A major difference between EMDR and IEMT is the fact that IEMT also addresses identity imprints e.g ‘I am a loser’ or ‘I am unlovable’ which alongside treating unwanted memories can create deeper lasting change in clients.

The benefits of IEMT include the fact that it offers rapid change in clients and long term therapy isn’t required, clients typically report issues being resolved within 2 - 3 sessions.

Also, clients don’t need to delve into the content of the issue, reducing the risk of feeling exposed or being retraumatised.

A number of my clients I’ve worked with have reported back feeling as though negative memories no longer bother them or they feel as if they are viewing them from a distance and are no longer triggered by them.

IEMT can help clients who have:

  • Issues with procrastination

  • Anger issues

  • Panic attacks

  • Guilt

  • Remorse

  • Shame

  • Anxiety

  • Experienced trauma

  • Childhood trauma

  • PTSD

  • Phobias

  • Depression